I READ with interest your news item about the unwelcome smells at the Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride (August 17).

How can the City of York Council have the cheek to suggest serving a nuisance notice on Yorkshire Water because of the smells at Rawcliffe Park and Ride?

Everyone in York - except the council, it would appear - knew of the existence of the sewerage works even before building work began on the park and ride.

If the council had heeded the opinions of the residents of York, it would not have been built next door to the sewerage works in the first place.

It was the council's stubbornness and lack of ability to listen that resulted in the Park and Ride being built there. It's like pitching a tent on the Masai Mara Game Reserve and then complaining about the animals.

Residents in Rawcliffe have raised the issue of the unpleasant smells for years to no avail. Yet day visitors from Halifax and Thirsk voice objections and the council springs into action.

Just who does our council represent?

Neil and Sarah Norville,

Shipton Road,
