FULL marks to John Prescott for increasing the travelling concessions for pensioners. But only some of us. The rest who are out of reach of bus or rail altogether, or where, if accessible these are quite useless because of timing, frequency or both, continue to be utterly ignored. We must pay exactly the same price for our travel (which in our case must be by car), as the working people.

This is so blatantly unjust that as soon as Chancellor Gordon Brown gets back from his honeymoon, John should be knocking on his door. If a concessionary system can apply at the ticket office or on a bus, is it beyond the wit of this Government to recognise the sheer discrimination now prevailing, and give the pensioner-motorist, crippled by the current cost of petrol, a comparable concession at the pump? Or is it that justice in his case is simply too expensive?

This inequality should be taken up by the media, including the Evening Press.

Richard Leigh Perkins,

The Mill House,
