YOU reported the new cabinet-style system for Selby District Council, to be trialled from October 1. Am I the only one who finds the proposals, and the way they have been announced, unsettling and undemocratic?

Labour is the largest party on the council, true, but it does not have a majority of the seats. Yet they award themselves all five portfolios. Yes, they may say, but other parties have important scrutiny posts. Perhaps, but a minority party has still grabbed all the key posts, the ones which are in a position to drive policy and its execution.

How much have they consulted with the electorate? In true Labour fashion, they haven't consulted us at all: well, not in my non-Labour ward anyway.

The Conservative group hasn't been any better. It's all gone through very quietly. The whole thing smacks of a stitch-up to me.

Is the Conservative opposition saying so little because they hope it may be their turn soon to have all the goodies? With the electors being held in so much contempt, is it any wonder that so few turn out to vote for their councillors? Roderic Parker,

Prospect Drive,
