WITH reference to Dr John White's letter (July 17) regarding the No Smoking bar at the Golden Fleece, I would like to point out that in 1982 my wife and I turned half the York Arms into a no-smoking bar. We were ahead of our time for within six months trade in that bar fell by more than 50 per cent.

We had hardly any support from the non-smoking fraternity of the day, so eventually had to go back to the old way.

Some two years later a 'regular' anorak came in and ordered two halves of beer. When placed in front of him he said, when I came in two years ago this was a no-smoking bar.

When I explained what had happened he said: 'If I'd known I wouldn't have come in, and I don't want those,' indicating the beer, and left.

I realise that times and attitudes have changed and what for us was a disaster could now be a success. I wish the Golden Fleece the very best of luck.

B K Grayson,

Penley's Grove Street, York.