WE think readers might like to know of a new charitable trust which has been set up to provide a counselling service for women in York and its surrounding areas.

A small group of professional counsellors have established this new voluntary organisation in the belief that counselling should be accessible on the basis of need as well as ability to pay. We offer general counselling in return for whatever donations clients can afford.

People who wish to see one of our counsellors should telephone York (01904) 652706 on Monday afternoons between 12.30pm-2.30pm, or leave a message on the answer-phone so that an initial interview can be arranged.

We should also like to hear from any counsellors, trained to diploma level, who might feel able to give two hours voluntary counselling each week or from interested helpers, who could offer administrative skills. Finally, we would greatly welcome offers of fundraising events to support our fledging, but very worthwhile cause.

Elizabeth Harrison,

On behalf of York Women's Counselling Service,

Community House,

Priory Street, York.