NORTH Yorkshire cyclists have criticised the planned removal of a cycle crossing over the River Foss under revised proposals for redevelopment in the Coppergate area of York.

County members of the Cyclists' Touring Club - Britain's lobbying organisation for pedal cyclists - have expressed their concern at the so-called Coppergate II plans.

Spokesman Paul Hepworth said: "The original scheme had a service road which cyclists would have shared. This would create a continuous and attractive cycle route between Piccadilly and the Millennium Bridge, encouraging use of pedal power for commuting, shopping and leisure journeys."

Mr Hepworth continued: "The scale of the proposed development has been reduced after public consultation, and it appears that the separate cycle crossing of the Foss has been deleted.

"Diverting cyclists through the main pedestrian areas would be unacceptable to all users of the complex, and we will be encouraging the developer, via the City of York Council's planners, to reinstate this useful and vital transport link through the area."

However, Richard Akers, assistant director with developers Land Securities Properties Ltd, said the cycle route referred to by Mr Hepworth was part of a service bridge which City of York Council planners considered "insensitive" to the area. But he said that the new proposals did incorporate other benefits for cyclists, including riverside cycle paths and cycle parking at various locations.

"Cyclists have been considered in the scheme and there are benefits for cyclists."

Mr Akers said he would welcome the opportunity to meet North Yorkshire members of the Cyclists' Touring Club to discuss their concerns.

The £60 million Coppergate II scheme includes demolishing the Ryedale building in Piccadilly, redeveloping the car park next to Clifford's Tower and creating new walkways along the River Foss.

PICTURE: Paul Hepworth