FOR North Yorkshire's very own Spiderman, no job is too big - or too tall.

Climbing fanatic, Dennis Vallins, 44, of Huby, started a high access climbing business last April, pledging to reach the parts of buildings other businesses just cannot reach.

He uses often complex climbing and caving techniques to put banners up at football stadiums, fix ceiling lights or paint giant pylons.

He said: "Heights have never bothered me. To do my job you have to think clearly and work logically. Setting the ropes up is very important. I can just about get anywhere on a rope."

Dennis recently scaled a warehouse at the British Sugar plant in York to clean potentially harmful sugar dust from the roof.

Other conquests in his 25-year climbing career include the spectacular sea cliffs in Anglesey, Wales and the highest mountains in Europe and America.

"Climbing keeps life interesting," he added.