SHOPPERS will soon get the chance to help the local economy while doing their bit for the environment, thanks to Friends of the Earth (FoE).

The York and Ryedale branch of the environmental group will be launching a free local food directory on Saturday, detailing where local produce can be purchased.

The aim is to give consumers more control over what they eat by telling them where food grown and processed locally, and not transported from other parts of the country or world to reach them, can be bought.

Josie Downs, of York and Ryedale FoE, said: "We hope our local real food publication will inspire shoppers to try something different. We really do have a wide range of quality produce in Ryedale.

"York and Ryedale FoE want to help by bringing local people closer to local producers. This will benefit everyone in Ryedale by keeping the money we spend on food circulating in the local economy and making real food accessible to all."

On Saturday, shoppers will also be handed guides to Malton pinpointing outlets which many shoppers might not have tried, such as farmers' markets and local butchers.

Ms Downs said there were many benefits to buying local goods, such as:

Reducing the number of miles produce travels, which results in less air pollution and fewer cases of asthma because of a drop in pollution

Less traffic and congestion on the roads

Local food production creates local jobs, strengthening the local economy

Increased social links between farmers and the people actually buying their produce.

Outlets participating with the directory include Beecham Health Foods, which sells organic products and local bread, eggs and honey, W. Fletcher and Sons, which sells locally-sourced meat and Paley's greengrocers, which sells local vegetables.

Outlets selling fairly-traded products will also be mentioned in the guide. Fair trade products ensure farmers from the developing countries get a fair price from powerful buyers, such as supermarkets. Organic food is also included.

York and Ryedale FoE hopes the overall effect of the directory and guide will be to show shoppers there is an alternative to buying food at supermarkets where most of the money leaves the local economy.

The food directory will be launched at the FoE stall at the farmers' market, opposite the Milton Rooms, in Malton, at 11am on Saturday. The launch will be attended by the chairman of Ryedale District Council, Coun David Cussons.