Links around the globe have been boosted by an award to help build links between York and a district in Ghana.

Angie Stratton, from the city's South Bank area, was out on the river celebrating with her York Global Link Group after receiving an £8,500 national Millennium Award.

The group has started a new community link with the Fanteakwa District in the African country.

The award will help pay for a first visit to the Ghanaian partners and also towards organising a "York Ghana Week" in the city in March 2001.

"The voluntary link group has worked long and hard, and this money will give the whole project the boost it needs," said Angie, a development education worker in Leeds.

"We feel that the link will benefit both communities, in York and in Ghana. Although culturally we are very different, I think we will find that we have a lot in common."

She added that much of the chocolate produced in York is made from Ghanaian cocoa.

Anyone interested in the link, or in helping to organise York Ghana Week - which will be a series of events and activities celebrating the links between the two - should telephone Angie on York 645715 or contact her by e-mail at

Picture:Jo Maguire, left, Angie Stratton, Mary Machen and Frank Brogan celebrate on the Ouse after receiving an £8,500 national Millennium award