CARERS Week ends on Sunday and I would like to tell you about a situation which we recently came across.

'In Safe Hands' offers short breaks to carers of older people, either in their own homes or occasionally in a volunteer's home. A 70-year-old carer phoned us a few weeks ago to ask if his mother could go and stay with one of our volunteers while he recovered at home from day surgery without having to worry about his mother. Unfortunately, we did not have a volunteer available and his mother had to go into a residential home for a few days. With one of our volunteers she would have enjoyed a short holiday in a safe environment.

I wondered if any of your readers - especially those living in villages - would enjoy having an older person to stay with them for a few days. Bed and board and expenses would be paid for.

Monica Dunham,

Organiser 'In Safe Hands',

Age Concern York,

70 Walmgate, York YO1 9TL.