LATELY there have been several letters from people who appear to be concerned with the protection of wildlife, the natural habitat, and the cleanliness of our 'green spaces', riverside walks, etc.

Are these readers aware of the existence of the York Natural Environment Trust, a group set up some ten years ago, with the object of defining, protecting and conserving these very sites? Our first project was St Nicholas' Field, followed by Rawcliffe Meadow, Danesmead Meadow, West Bank Park and latterly Mayfields Nature Reserve.

Membership is open to all, at a fee of £6 (unwaged and retired £3), and other like-minded groups may join at a fee which is currently under review.

Applications should be made to me, as membership secretary, with a stamped, self-addressed envelope enclosed if a membership card is required.

Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month in Guildhall at 7.30pm. All welcome.

R. Hutchinson,

Membership Secretary,

York Natural Environment Trust,

16, Manor Park Close, York.