A SMALL procession of white-gloved staff carefully carried a selection of china, glass and silver as a hugely successful York exhibition began its journey to the nation's capital.

The precious items formed the Eat, Drink and Be Merry exhibition, at Fairfax House, which celebrated the British at table between 1600 and 2000.

As the exhibition is a Millennium touring affair, it is now going to go on show at Kenwood House for its London season, before heading over to Norwich.

The contents, including pieces from Mrs Beeton's breakfast table and items from the Prince Regent's Grand Service, were packed, crated and freighted to London.

Fairfax House has been home to the exhibition since February when it was launched by Clarissa Dickson Wright, of TV's Two Fat Ladies.

PICTURE: FRAGILE GOODS: Fairfax House director Peter Brown packs away a decanter from the Prince Regent Collection Grand Service, part of the exhibition which was on show at Fairfax House, York