ANN Widdecombe stopped off in York at the weekend after two busy days appearing in the region to promote the Conservatives' Keep The Pound campaign.

The Shadow Home Secretary arrived in Parliament Street to support York Conservative Party's stall which collected around 200 signatures of support from members of the public.

Ann Widdecombe said: "This is an important initiative and it's intended to get the message home that the pound is in danger.

"We need to make people aware of that and get them to understand that only if they vote Conservative at the next election can they be certain to keep the pound.

"We can't trust the Euro because we don't know what its effects will be economically or politically."

Simon Mallett, deputy chairman of City of York Conservative Association and a parliamentary candidate in 1997, said: "We are very pleased to have a national figure supporting our campaign locally."

PICTURE: The Shadow Home Sceretary, Ann Widdecombe, joins local Tory Party activists as the party's Keep The Pound campaign comes to York

Picture: Mike Tipping