NOT for the first time you have used the phrase "a spokesman declined to comment" when covering a report about Samuel Smith's Old Brewery and developments in Tadcaster ('Brewery seeks appeal in Tadcaster market battle', May 22). There is no doubt that the brewery, as a developer, has done much good work in the town, on its own properties and elsewhere.

There is no doubt that its plans are soundly thought out and attractive.

What local people increasingly are losing patience with is the lack of progress in bringing these plans to fruition, and the frustration of other plans, made by the local authorities, in the law courts.

The local authorities are responsible at the ballot box to the people. It is true that the brewery is responsible, as a private company, only to its owners. But is there even a glimmer of hope that it could respond to public opinion, or discuss its actions and its plans in public?

The present impasse does Tadcaster no good at all.

Roderic Parker,

Prospect Drive, Tadcaster.