I feel that the criticism of Red and Blue Net, the independent York City website, by Rob Oxley in last Saturday's Evening Press is missing the point.

Red and Blue Net is a public access site, which is maintained on a not-for-profit basis by a teenage net enthusiast and York City devotee.

It seems Mr Oxley has a problem with the site's independent editorial policy.

The site forum has on more than one occasion been critical of the chairman, the ex-manager, and various players. The forum is uncensored, and attracts hundreds of messages a week from all across the world, from all shades of opinion.

It was through the forum that the FACT organisers originally met, so it is logical that we continue to communicate through this facility. Other than these occasional posts, you will not find any other mention of FACT on the website.

Contributors to the forum are free to express their opinions on topical matters. What is so harmful about free speech?

The occasional juvenile posting is regrettable, but Mr Oxley must surely realise that compared with other Internet chatrooms and websites, Red and Blue is a paragon of virtue.

Unfounded smears of the type Mr Oxley and Mr Brotherton (Letters, Saturday, March 18) put forward are not

helpful to anyone.