I find it advantageous to have a fair idea of the answer before asking a question. This frees one from the anxiety of waiting for a reply (Broken Promises, Letters, April 12).

Since reorganisation, some employees of the City of York Council have come to realise that they are too grand and well-paid to respond to letters from residents.

The result is that replies to letters are delegated and re-delegated until they arrive finally in the tray marked 'Oblivion'.

On the credit side, the response time for letters that are answered is at least as good as that of comparable organisations.

In my experience, most officers of City of York Council make a great effort to abide by a very demanding code of practice.

If your correspondent Peter Ward remains unconvinced, and still thinks officers slow and inefficient, he should try writing to a councillor.

William Dixon Smith,

Welland Rise,

