Reader's letter

In reply to the letter by Paul Hepworth (March 16) it is not a few people from Dringhouses who oppose the proposed cycle track but a lot of people from Dringhouses, Foxwood, Acomb and Holly Bank.

This land is a facility that is enjoyed by sportsmen, dog walkers, bird watchers and people who enjoy the open countryside.

To put a cycle track across would upset the ecological balance of both plant life and wildlife. These are not tracks but roads of more than two metres wide which, after construction by Sustrans, have to be maintained by the ratepayers.

As regards his comment about safety to cyclists does he not realise that since the construction of other cycle tracks several people have been physically assaulted and one person killed! If he is so intent on riding his cycle on the moor let him use the natural paths that already exist and let the other people keep their piece of the countryside without making it into a concrete jungle.

T J Ryder,

North Lane,

Dringhouses, York.

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