Let's reclaim our language

Scottish children are taught Gaelic (the Scottish form of Irish) and Inglis (the Scottish form of English). Parking misery

Why has the area of Deangate near the Minster been made so completely sacrosanct that outside the Minster School there is a sign for no loading or waiting? Police and priorities

In times when their funding and numbers are at a dangerously low point and they are stretched to breaking point, I was horrified to see the police offering to turn a blind eye to wanted criminals at a funeral (Evening Press, March 17). Rethink on bells?

I was sad to read the small-minded response of Selby District Council to the York Minster Bells Appeal (March 23). IQ row is mindless

I read with interest (Letters, March 30) that Mr A G Reeson ('IQ 151 And A MENSA Certificate To Prove It!') is envious of Robert Holmes's IQ of 196. Huge IQ figures

I was deeply impressed by the huge intelligence quotient figures of Messrs Holmes and Reeson. They put me in mind of the legendary pickle jar professor who could calculate the volume, weight, p.h. value and the number of onions in a jar, but didn't have a clue how to get the lid off.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.