Marilyn Forsyth, who has passed a top ballet exam at the age of 50 Picture: Mike Tipping

Dancer Marilyn Forsyth has passed a top ballet examination - at the age of 50.

Mum-of-three Marilyn, of Hawkshead Close, York, had to do an hour-long dance to pass the Intermediate Cecchetti exam.

She fitted in a year's worth of preparation in the evenings after working during the day as a medical secretary at York District Hospital.

Marilyn, who has been dancing since she was a child, was coached by Gabriella Stabler, a teacher at the Isobel Dunn dance studio.

Miss Dunn said: "This is a miracle of achievement. The exam is one hour long, solo and needs staying power, knowledge and determination; it is physical throughout."

Marilyn is one of several dancers taking part in Dance Flash, featuring ballet, tap and Spanish dancing, on May 3, 4 and 5 at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre.

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