Crazed double killer caged

A double murderer, originally from York , who threw a 61-year-old man from a sixth-floor balcony and battered a pensioner to death was jailed for life at the Old Bailey. Deena joins our closures protest

Fresh from stopping buses in Emmerdale, Viv Windsor has now thrown her weight behind the Evening Press Counter Attack campaign. Man hit mother five times with hammer

A man who thought his life had not worked out the way he planned let his anger boil over and hit his mother five times with a hammer, a court heard yesterday. Mum's so valuable

Housewives in North Yorkshire have been "valued" at almost £18,000 a year. Marilyn's still nifty at 50

Dancer Marilyn Forsyth has passed a top ballet examination - at the age of 50. Ramblers step up pressure

Angry ramblers are planning a national rally for North Yorkshire in their long-running row over poor footpaths in the county. Back to black for Mother's Day

A rose for a rose...Mollie-Rose Rowley, from Pocklington, checks out the newly-reintroduced black roses at Wigginton Nurseries' market stall in York. After a decade's absence the unusual, but perfectly natural black rose, has made a return in time for Mother's Day. Warden is locked up

A deceitful sheltered housing warden who duped a partially-blind 89-year-old woman resident out of more than £3,000 has been jailed. Farewell to arms

It was a moment of pomp and circumstance, and of great symbolism, tinged with more than a little sadness. Matter of faith for TV show pupils

Teenagers from a York school are to appear on a Sunday morning television programme about Jesus.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.