Crooks wants Wasps job

Former Great Britain international Lee Crooks has thrown his hat into the ring for the York Wasps coaching job. Cream of county bid for tour cards

Two North Yorkshire professionals will be aiming to book themselves tour cards for this season's Mastercard British Tour later this month. Webster bidding to become the greatest

North Yorkshire's sidecar superstar Steve Webster begins his 19th season of world championship competition tomorrow with the Guiness Book of Records in his sights. Hot-shot Cooper is best of Britannia

Tony Cooper was in tremendous form in Britannia's York Brewery League division one win, throwing two tons, 137 then 140 for 15 darts. Wood v Lawrence in all Heworth final

Neil Wood, the champion will face his Heworth team captain Keith Lawrence in the final of the York Conservative Clubs' Scruton Cup Individual snooker competition. Fulford Court to open soon

Fulford Tennis Club are to officially open their new third court on Sunday, April 9. Wiggington tennis events

Wigginton tennis club open their new courts next month with a day full of events. Garratt released

Martin Garratt is trying to resurrect his troubled career at York City's Division Three rivals Mansfield Town.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.