The cross keys flag of the Army's 2nd Division was lowered at Imphal Barracks today to mark the departure of the divisional headquarters for Edinburgh.

But another flag, the Merlin flag of 15 (North East) Brigade, which remains in York, was being raised in its place.

And Major General Robert Gordon, who was taking the salute at the handing over ceremony, stressed that today represented a new beginning for the military in York rather than an end. He said that 150 Gurkhas were joining the 2 Signal Regiment based at Imphal, a new medical group HQ was being created in York and the Defence Vetting Agency had been set up in offices at Imphal, employing 180 people.

The closure of the divisional HQ was bitterly opposed in York, with hundreds of readers signing an Evening Press petition which was handed in to 10 Downing Street.

The Government eventually decided to press ahead with merging the 2nd and Scottish Divisions, with the merged HQ based in Edinburgh, claiming the decision was based on grounds of military efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Critics claimed it was a political decision in the run-up to the Scottish Parliamentary elections. The National Audit Office has been in York this week investigating allegations that the decision will cost the taxpayer millions.

see also ''Loss of Army HQ is big blow'

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