A campaign to deter children from being dragged into abuse, crime, drink and drugs is being launched in North Yorkshire.

Youngsters who skip school will be the target of a crackdown taking place during April in North Yorkshire Police's eastern area, which takes in the Ryedale, Hambleton and Scarborough districts.

Police spokeswoman Angela Boast said officers involved in the truancy crackdown would be working with North Yorkshire County Council's educational social work service.

"Social workers will be joining our officers to track down children who are away from school without authority," she said.

Parents are being urged to ensure their children obtain official authorisation if they need to be out of school for any reason.

PC Colin Musgrave, who is responsible for the Hambleton end of the campaign, said a smaller crackdown run in Scarborough a few months ago proved that there were youngsters playing truant or being kept off school by their parents.

He said: "It's an offence for a person to keep a child off school for no good reason. They can be taken to court by the educational welfare people and fined."

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