A road menace has been jailed for four and a half years after ramming a police car while on the run for a £60,000 lorry theft.

It was the seventh time Lee Barrett, 22, had broken a driving ban and it was his second dangerous driving offence. He has never held a driving licence.

Peter Moulson, prosecuting, said the injuries suffered by police driver Michelle Falkingham in the York car park collision put her on sick leave for 17 days.

But she still managed to pursue Barrett as he fled from the scene and with help from civilian Eric Wood succeeded in arresting him.

Mr Wood is to get a £150 reward.

Judge Paul Hoffman told Barrett: "You have got a shocking record for road traffic crime.

"It is horrifying to think of somebody who has never had a licence driving a truck."

Barrett was still banned from driving when he stole the lorry in 1998 and within the time limit of two more driving bans and on bail when he rammed the police car.

"You are a menace on the roads. You are quite indifferent to orders of disqualification and community penalties haven't had any impact upon you whatsoever," said the judge.

"It is now time to think of the public."

He jailed Barrett, of Clifton Caravan Site, Clifton, for a total of four and a half years for stealing a £60,000 lorry with loading equipment and bricks in the Wakefield area in 1998 and dangerous driving, causing £1,320 damage to a police Peugeot, assaulting a police officer and driving while disqualified and without insurance in York on January 3, this year.

Barrett admitted all the offences. York Crown Court heard he had jumped bail on the Wakefield matter.

He was banned from driving for a further four years and told to take an extended driving test before he can get a licence.

Mr Moulson said PC Falkingham followed Barrett when she spotted him driving a hatchback in Water Lane.

She followed him into the car park of Melodies, at Clifton, where the police car stopped. But Barrett made his escape by ramming the police car, jerking it backwards and causing whiplash injuries to the officer.

He fled along Clifton Moorgate with the engine revving as the hatchback gave off blue smoke. But he was pursued and caught by PC Falkingham in the police car and Mr Wood, who was driving past at the time. Mr Wood held him down until police reinforcements arrived.

For Barrett, Elaine McLaughlin said he had been to buy a car and panicked when he saw the police car. He bitterly regretted his actions and the policewoman's injuries.

He was paid £100 by other people to drive the Wakefield lorry for them.

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