Evening Press leader

A simple, dignified ceremony brought a chapter in York's proud military history to a close today. To the poignant accompaniment of a piper, the 'cross keys' flag of the 2nd Division was lowered at Imphal Barracks. Our spirits fell with it. This is a sad moment for the city.

For centuries York has played a crucial role in the military defence of this country.

Many great commanders have been stationed here, many more brave soldiers learned their job here.

That tradition does not end today. Those charged with putting a positive spin on the disgraceful events of the past two years are at pains to point out that more military personnel will be based in York after the 2nd Division HQ is transferred to Edinburgh.

But that does not soften the psychological blow the move has dealt to the city.

The removal of the headquarters effectively downgrades York's military status. Army leaders from the Romans onwards recognised the strategic importance of this city. But not the present administration.

If the change was justified on sound military or economic grounds, the widespread bitterness it caused would have been mollified.

In reality, however, York's standing was sacrificed on the altar of party politics.

The Government needed to boost its profile in Scotland prior to the devolution elections and a new army HQ for Edinburgh was just the job.

The row is set to rumble on. Auditors investigating the move visited Imphal Barracks this week to hear the unions argue that it will cost the taxpayer more than £100 million.

Defence ministers have responded to the outrage their decision caused by moving an Army Medical Services HQ, 150 Gurkhas and the Defence Vetting Agency to York. That ensures that the city has not lost out economically.

We welcome their arrival.

Meanwhile we can only hope that the ludicrous decision to strip York of its divisional headquarters does not harm the Army's recruitment programme and operational effectiveness.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.