York City FC: Chris set fair

City star returns to make his 500th League appearance York City FC: Dolan and Addison back winter break

The rival bosses of the region's top two professional clubs have backed the idea of a mid-season break in the English game. York City FC: Little poised to make wholesale changes

Former York City chief Alan Little is expected to wield the axe on his under-achieving Shrimpers tomorrow, writes Dave Stanford. Rugby League: Wasps hope Ryce will sign on dotted line

York Wasps RL Club were expecting Welsh three-quarter Max Ryce to sign for the club this afternoon. Rugby Union: Dan's the man for Roses showdown

North Yorkshire rugby union star Dan Clappison is set to join in the war of the Roses at Morley on Saturday. Cycling: Watson leads his team home

York's Paul Watson was the driving force behind Knaresborough Racing Team's emphatic victory in their own four-man team time trial promotion.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.