Readers' letters

While not always in agreement with Douglas Craig and his public relations skills, I agree with his stance and refusal to sign up to the Kick It Out campaign (Letters, March 28).

The Lord Mayor of York may think that a refusal to sign damages the good name of the city. However, it would do him good to get on his mayoral bike and support his local football team as I, and a few thousand regular other fans, do.

If he had been at Bootham Crescent on Saturday he would have seen three black players in York City colours, warming up before the game, and two black players scoring the goals that sealed a much-needed victory.

The applause at the end of the game was for the whole team.

Finally, for Coun Vaughan's information, one of the most revered of all York City players in recent years was Keith Walwyn. So where is the racism? Not at York... take a look Mr Mayor.

W J Drummond,

Burtree Avenue,



...I have not always agreed with what Douglas Craig has said about York City FC. But I have always admired the man for speaking his mind, and I would agree with him wholeheartedly with what he says in his letter.

The campaign is "flawed", as York City FC have rightly pointed out. As for Lord Mayor Peter Vaughan's comments, a self-confessed Manchester United season ticket holder, he ought to look at that club's efforts to enforce the campaign, before he says anything about the club which Mr Craig has put money and effort into and a club I have been proud to support for more than 50 years.

My advice to Mr Vaughan is leave the running of York City FC to the people who have invested money in it and to the loyal supporters who have followed them over the years. You carry on watching Manchester United and don't try and give advice to a club you obviously know nothing about.

Alan Hill,

Church Lane,


...Regarding the letter from Mr D Craig, I just cannot understand the so- called racism of which we are accused.

For years Yorkshire's marvellous cricket team let only Yorkshire men play in its team and what a great team it was. Now this is classed as racism. How stupid the racist issue is. What authority have our city councillors got to stop the Lord Mayor of York going to a football match in the city?

Years ago it was a lovely sport, but now when someone scores a goal the way they react is unbelievable and the money they get is also unbelievable. Good luck to York City's team now and in the future.

Tom Smith,

Heathfield Road,


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