Reader's letter

My husband and I were shocked to read our son's name in an article about motorcycle riding ('Quick And The dead', March 29).

The article was to promote motorcycle awareness - a subject about which we are all too aware. It was a shock to see our Alan's name in print after all these years. It is not very pleasant.

To refer to the accident which killed our Alan, in which he was not to blame, the coroner and police said he just did not have anywhere to go. There was no action my son could have taken to allow him to live.

It is now nearly 14 years since he died. The parish council in New Earswick has altered the junction so that no one could find themselves in a similar situation. I'm grateful to them for that.

It is my hope also that people will never forget that everyone that uses the road is someone's loved one and will respect that fact, and that no one else will find themselves in a similar situation like us again.

Following the death of our daughter last year it is, after all, an empty world. So remember and look out for other road-users.

Audrey and John Greaves,

Hilbra Avenue,


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