Reader's letter

This July the city council will be submitting its five-year plan for dealing with traffic congestion and other transport problems.

With traffic levels continuing to rise it is clear that it must put forward radical solutions and identify the best means of raising funds to pay for them.

All too often the transport debate focuses on why something shouldn't happen, not on what we stand to gain. When Coun Albert Cowan took the brave decision to close the city centre to traffic and create our wonderful footstreets, the city traders threatened a revolt. Now they wouldn't have it any other way. We have all received leaflets inviting us to comment on York's local transport plan. Let's take this one-off opportunity to build on Albert's courage and make the positive suggestions which can help York become the safest, most accessible and vibrant city in the country.

Paul Osborne,

Safe Routes To Schools,

Fulford Cross,


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