A young boy suffered leg injuries in an accident on a dangerous junction in York today.

The boy, thought to be aged nine or ten, was crossing the busy Hull Road junction with Melrosegate just after 8 am when he was in collision with a car.

Am employee of Rhodes Newsagents, on the corner of Melrosegate, said: "I was just going through my paper books and heard the boy scream.

"I went out there and there was a car pulled over to the side and the boy was lying on the floor. There was someone with him and an ambulance soon arrived."

Many shopkeepers at the junction said it was very dangerous for pedestrians.

Miranda Legg, a mother of two who lives in Tang Hall, said: "This is a really bad junction and it has been for years. I don't know how parents cope as there are two schools nearby. I used to worry myself sick when my son went to St Lawrence's Primary School and I sent my daughter to Tang Hall Primary School deliberately because of this junction."

John Jones, the owner of York House Interiors, Hull Road, said he had seen about five accidents involving children in the past ten years.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.