A York motorist faces a £100 court bill because he drove off and refused to give his name and address after smashing a woman driver's wing mirror.

Michael Dawson's victim pursued him and talked to him while the 51-year-old man was stopped at traffic lights, said Martin Budworth, prosecuting.

But he refused to identify himself and told her to take his number.

Dawson, of Ninth Avenue, Tang Hall, pleaded guilty to failing to stop and give his name and address after causing damage in an accident. He lives on benefits.

York magistrates ordered him to pay a £50 fine with £50 costs and gave him five penalty points.

Mr Budworth said that Dawson's car was in collision with the woman's car in Layerthorpe Road, York, as he overtook some parked vehicles.

The wing mirror on the woman's car was smashed, but Dawson's wing mirror was undamaged and he drove on.

The woman drove round the roundabout and followed him. When he stopped at lights in Foss Islands Road, she tapped on his window and tried unsuccessfully to get his name and address. He then drove off, but she took his number and reported him to the police.

A letter from Dawson's solicitors read in court said that it was dark and Dawson had been unaware he had caused any damage.

He had been unable to distinguish what the woman said at the traffic lights, apart from the fact that she was upset. She had not asked for his name or address.

Dawson had been driving at about five to ten mph, but the woman had been driving at 30mph.

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