£52bn to be spent on rail network

York-based rail bosses today announced a 30 per cent hike in spending on vital track and signalling infrastructure as part of a £52 billion investment plan for Britain's rail network. Eleanor saves her dad's life

Quick-thinking schoolgirl Eleanor Keeler today told how she helped save her dad's life when he collapsed at home from a brain disease. Labour stalwart retires and struggle for control begins

Labour has lost overall control of City of York Council, following the resignation of a long-serving councillor. Boy injured at danger junction

A young boy suffered leg injuries in an accident on a dangerous junction in York today. Internet pair set to make a fortune

The Internet boom is set to make two former East Yorkshire schoolboys millionaires. Crime cut by nearly ten per cent

Crime has fallen by 9.5 per cent in the police's new Eastern area - almost double the force's target figure. Search on to find green belt sites for development

The people of York are to be asked to help identify surrounding green belt land that can be turned over to development - while doing least harm to the city itself. Where have all York's buskers gone

Where have all York's buskers gone? Things are looking up for York businesses

The business people of York should be happy - provided everything continues as predicted in the city's latest economic survey. £450m project to boost water quality

MASSIVE £450 million programme to improve water quality and update the sewage system of Yorkshire was announced today. City councillors hail old Labour stalwart

Praise for Councillor Ken Cooper's 37-year career has broken through party boundaries. Motorist drove off after accident

A York motorist faces a £100 court bill because he drove off and refused to give his name and address after smashing a woman driver's wing mirror.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.