Cashpoint users in York were today warned to be on their guard after a thief snatched cash from a customer.

The incident, at the NatWest branch in Market Street, follows a similar theft earlier this month and has prompted police and banks to offer advice.

Sgt Colin Ventress, of York police, said a young woman drew cash from the machine at around 8.50pm yesterday.

A man grabbed the money from her hands and ran off, pursued by a taxi driver who saw the theft. The man dropped £10 of the £20 stolen.

NatWest spokesman John Tracey said cashpoint users should be cautious when withdrawing cash, particularly at night.

"Once you have withdrawn money from the machine put it straight in your wallet or purse and put that in your pocket before you walk away," he said.

"If you see someone suspicious in the vicinity of a cash machine, don't use it, and if possible use a cash machine that's situated inside a branch."

Sgt Ventress said that although such incidents were rare, the public should remain vigilant. Officers will study city centre CCTV footage to identify the man.

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