Shop inferno

More than 70 firefighters from across North Yorkshire fought a massive blaze which ripped through a York store early today. Horne leaves for London jail

Animal rights activist Barry Horne has left York District Hospital and been moved to a prison in the south of England, the Evening Press can exclusively reveal today. Over 60's get free museum entry

Culture Secretary Chris Smith was this afternoon heralding free admission to the National Railway Museum in York for the over-60s. Businesses count cost as grants fraudster is jailed

Dozens of North Yorkshire businessmen were left to count the cost today after the fraudster they helped snare started a 12-month jail sentence. Second cashpoint mugging in York

Cashpoint users in York were today warned to be on their guard after a thief snatched cash from a customer.

Builders make music centre whisper-quiet

The sound of silence is all neighbours will hear from the newly-built National Centre for Early Music in York, no matter how loud the instrument. Two years to mend broken body of road crash victim

A father-of-three still in hospital almost three months after cheating death in a horrific car smash has been told it will be two years before his broken body is mended. Auditors at York barracks

Auditors were visiting Imphal Barracks today during their lengthy investigation into the controversial closure of York's army divisional headquarters. Bone disease breakthrough

A leading York biologist has discovered new evidence about a gene that could hold the key to helping patients with osteoporosis. Picking up the pieces after fire

A couple living above a York store which was gutted by fire early this morning were today starting to pick up the pieces. Taxis hail council for fares rise of 8 per cent

Taxi fares in York are to soar by eight per cent. Pupils get taste of prison

Prison officers have given a stark and frightening warning about life behind bars to school pupils in York. York verdict on Premier's vision of British identity

Tony Blair has spelled out his vision of the British identity in a keynote speech. CHRIS MANN and REBECCA GILBERT found out what people in York thought

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.