Reader's letter

Pickering Liberal Club has lost a bulwark in George Hudson, who died recently after many years as a member and officer.

Unlike some clubs which bear the name Liberal the Pickering club has always been an integral part of the local party. Many party members who came to Ryedale to help Elizabeth Shields win the 1986 by-election will remember David Steel addressing a large crowd from the balcony, reproducing the scene when Lloyd George came to Pickering in 1931.

There are many ways of serving the cause of Liberalism. George's way was to be available to the club, opening it and closing it every day, welcoming members and local groups who used or hired its facilities, and keeping the party flag flying in Pickering.

He saw to it that the club's property and income was maintained at a time when other clubs were closing down.

That the club, which recently celebrated its 90th anniversary, exists and flourished is largely due to George.

We shall miss him.

Coun Arthur Aslett,

Chairman, Pickering Liberal Club,

Green Howards Road,


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