Lord Mayor of York, Peter Vaughan, has implored York City Football Club to join a fight against racism.

Peter Vaughan: letter

The city's first citizen has written to York City chairman Douglas Craig begging him to end the club's standing as the only one of 92 in the Premier and Nationwide leagues not to support a national anti-racism campaign.

Coun Vaughan said: "I have written to the club to implore them to sign up to the Kick It Out campaign.

"As Lord Mayor of York I believe this reluctance on the club's part to sign up to a campaign of national importance gives the wrong image about our city."

The Lord Mayor, who is a Manchester United season ticket holder, admits he does not support York City. But, he said, because the club has the city's name, its actions reflect on York's reputation. But the club insisted it was actively working to combat racism and hit back at the "flawed" national campaign.

A spokeswoman said: "The campaign is flawed in the sense that clubs sign up and do absolutely nothing to enforce it. There have been no changes to any of the grounds.

"We are in the front line in the battle against racism and are working in the community to combat it.

Douglas Craig: response

"We are sending our black players into schools and promoting them as role models and I don't think our contribution is being recognised by the Lord Mayor.

"It is our democratic right not to sign up to this campaign."

City of York Council's Kick Racism Out of Football competition at the Ryedale Stadium saw youngsters bussed there in club coaches, the spokeswoman added.

But Mr Vaughan said refusing to sign up to the campaign showed complacency.

He said: "I believe it suggests that the club is complacent about the issue of racism in football.

"For York City to stand outside the very healthy consensus that there is now around Kick It Out seems very strange indeed."

Mr Vaughan's letter was prompted by his personal feeling that the club's refusing to sign damaged the campaign's credibility.

see also 'McCarthyism, control freakism and football '

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