York Art Gallery could be one of the "foremost provincial galleries in the country" if space were provided for it to expand, it has been claimed. And the expansion could create extra jobs in the city's ever-growing tourist industry.

The annual general meeting of the Friends of York Art Gallery heard that the gallery is "bursting at the seams" and that additional space to show works of art is "essential".

Malise Forbes Adam, president of the Friends, told the meeting: "High on the list of desiderata are a gallery for showing later 20th century paintings in the collection and a caf - possibly shared with the proposed planetarium - supported by adequate storage accommodation for educational activities.

"All this would ensure that the York Art Gallery became one of the foremost provincial galleries in the country, as well as providing additional jobs in the ever-growing tourist industry on which York is dependent."

The Evening Press revealed in February how proposals have emerged for a "second Eye of York", to be known as St Mary's Abbey Precinct.

The Yorkshire Philosophical Society project would stretch up to Bootham and take in the art gallery, the King's Manor and possibly the central library as well. The proposals, which include an extension for the gallery, among other developments, are currently under consideration.

Mrs Forbes Adam also praised North Yorkshire police for their work in tracing and recovering the £700,000 worth of paintings stolen from the gallery, and for securing the convictions of the ringleaders.

"I am sure we would all like to express our pleasure that the gallery staff who were so roughly treated have made a full recovery," she added.

Mrs Forbes Adam reiterated the Friends' objections to City of York Council imposing entry fees to the gallery. But she said she had been assured that some of the prospective income in the first year would be invested in the gallery

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