York is being pushed as one of the main conference centres in Britain in a new Heritage Cities brochure aimed at the European business market.

York is highlighted alongside Bath, Chester and Stratford-upon-Avon as one of the best and most prestigious places to hold a conference.

The glossy brochure "England's Heritage Cities" is published by the British Tourist Board and Group North and promotes York as a fine historic backdrop for corporate events.

Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of the York Tourism, said: "The prestige business visitor market is an important one for York and for other heritage cities.

"York's unique combination of history, character, fine food and drink, award-winning attractions and the most modern of conference facilities is described in the guide. It also highlights the city's ideal location in the heart of the UK and the excellent transport links which make York such a great choice for European business people."

The colourful brochure encourages visitors to York with descriptions of cobbled streets, museums, medieval buildings and York Minster. It says: "Narrow cobbled lanes, the imposing York Minster, the largest gothic cathedral in northern Europe...York combines centuries of history with the most modern, up-to-date conference facilities."

Dustie Binns, general manager at the Royal York Hotel in Station Road, said she was delighted that York was being promoted as a conference centre for Britain. She said: "The Royal York Hotel has been very successful in the conference market. The inclusion of York in the new brochure is great news for the city and the hotel.

"In recognition of the conference success we are currently spending £2.5 million at the hotel on a world class new building for conferences."

The brochure was launched at the recent Conflex Exhibition in London's Earl's Court.

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