York City striker Barry Conlon is hoping for a case of fourth and last time lucky.

Saturday's trip to Southend United, his former club, cannot come soon enough for the Minstermen's top scorer.

Conlon, the £100,000 buy from Roots Hall at the beginning of the season, admits he would love to score against the Shrimpers and show his worth to the United fans who once cheered his name.

But having missed all three matches against his ex-clubs this season, the sharpshooter concedes just taking to the field would be a bonus.

Conlon missed December's Bootham crescent 2-2 draw with Alan Little's Southend through injury.

He was also injured for the November 0-0 stalemate with Plymouth - where he enjoyed a short lone spell when still a Manchester City player - and was then suspended for the 2-0 defeat at Home Park just last month.

Now Saturday's last possible return mission of the season is fast approaching and after three successive wins and the personal potent run of form confidence is sky high.

"I am so looking forward to it," said Conlon of his upcoming Southend sojourn.

"After missing the other matches it will be just nice to get down there and play but it would be really good to notch.

"I suppose I have got something of a point to prove and so it would be nice personally for me to score.

"But it is more important for the team that after some good results we keep this run going until the end of the season.

"We have got seven games to go and it would be brilliant to finish as high as possible. That will set us up nicely for next year and we can start next season with a bang."

Conlon admits he is particularly looking forward to renewing acquaintances with Southend's centre half Dave Morley.

Morley and Conlon played together at Maine Road and remain good friends.

Conlon, who has now got 11 goals after scoring three in his last four games for City, was Southend's second top scorer last season with seven.

The 21 year old, only the second six-figure signing in Bootham crescent history, admits he did set himself a goals targets at the beginning of the season.

But he was keeping tight-lipped as to what his goals target is - safe to say breaking into double figures had given him a boost.

"It just seems to be running for me at the moment when earlier in the season it wasn't really.

"It is still only my second season in League football and a lot of it is to do with confidence.

"All the lads are playing well now and enjoying themselves which we weren't able to do when results weren't going for us.

"We have all stuck together and the atmosphere is just great at the moment."

York City travel club coaches for the Southend United game on Saturday will depart from Bootham Crescent at 9.30am. Prices are £17 for members, £19 for non-members.

The travel club are also taking bookings for the Cheltenham match on Saturday, April 15th. Coaches depart at 10.15am, with prices £15 for members and £17 for non-members.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.