York City FC: Conlon hopes for a change of luck

York City striker Barry Conlon is hoping for a case of fourth and last time lucky. Hockey: City's Jones answers the white rose call

Gareth Jones celebrated his call-up to the Yorkshire under-21 squad with a fine performance for City of York. Darts: Bold Barry checks out with a bullseye

Barry Noble used bullseye to finish off a tremendous 13-dart York John Smith's Mixed League game. School Sport: York school side to grace Old Trafford

Excited footballers at Clifton Without Junior School, York, are to play at Old Trafford, home of Treble winners Manchester United. Horse Racing: Bollin Nellie to open Easterby's account

Tim Easterby, warming up for what promises to be another first-rate Flat campaign on turf, can open his winning account at Catterick tomorrow.

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