Reader's letter

All my life I have believed that I live in a free and democratic society. Alas, it appears I am mistaken. I really live in a country where McCarthyism, control freakism and moral blackmail are rampant. If you do not conform there is something inherently wrong with you. If you are not 'politically correct' you are automatically a sexist, a racist or a homophobic.

Ever since York City Football Club exercised its democratic right not to sign up to this so-called 'Kick Racism out of Football Campaign', we have been subjected to forms of McCarthyism, control freakism and moral blackmail but all of our critics carefully avoid accusing us of racism.

I wonder why - is it because there is no case for the club to answer?

The 'Kick Racism out of Football Campaign' was instigated by a quango but its own position is seriously flawed. It is guilty of the most extreme form of hypocrisy. It purports to be against racism, but it acquiesces in the existence of a group of police officers which appears to exclude any white police officer from membership, it also acts similarly in respect of a group of lawyers which appears to exclude white lawyers.

For a number of years City of York Council have, inter alia, forbidden the Lord Mayor to be a guest of the club at Bootham Crescent.

This contrasts vividly with the fact that they acquiesce in hundreds of children from the city's schools regularly visiting Bootham Crescent, taking part in a five-a-side football competition on the pitch, using Bootham Crescent for their Football Challenge Course and our players visiting the schools.

When the council had its competition on 'Kick Racism out of Football' at the Ryedale Stadium the club provided the coaches. In addition one party of 30 school children is hosted free at every home game and the York Schools FA finals are regularly held at Bootham Crescent.

If we are such pariahs and such an unacceptable role model, perhaps the council should forbid any liaison between their schools and the club.

Dr Raj Chandran, Commissioner for Racial Equality, Nottingham, in a recent letter to the New Statesman dealing with the question of reining in the race crusaders stated: "No.

"I am not a race relations expert, activist, or crusader. I am a common-sense British citizen who wants to live with the white community in peace, to work hard and to prosper with them, and to give my children an opportunity to compete and reach the top - which is possible only in Britain, the land of justice and fair play."

I would echo that sentiment and say I too am not a race relations expert, activist or crusader, I am a common-sense British citizen, who wants the club to exist in the community in peace, to prosper with them and to give all the children an opportunity to compete and reach the top - which is possible in a country of justice and fair play but which is not possible in a country of McCarthyism, control freakism, or moral blackmail.

Douglas M Craig,


York City Football Club,

Bootham Crescent,


see also 'Lord Mayor racism plea to York City'

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