The Archbishop of York was stopped by airport security as he tried to take a garden pot on to a plane.

David Hopes

Security for Israel's national airline El Al refused to let the pot, bought for Dr David Hope by pilgrims on a trip he led through the Holy Land, on to the plane.

Mary Murray, the Archbishop's assistant, said: "They didn't actually say why he couldn't take it on, but if they stop you doing something then it is usually because it is seen as a security risk.

"The Archbishop didn't bat an eyelid because he has been to Israel before and he knows you have to do as security tell you, but I think he was saddened."

The pot, which stands two feet high, was bought as a gift from the 260 pilgrims who had been on the trip.

The security office promised it would post the pot to the Archbishop.

Mrs Murray said: "We'll wait and see if it arrives."

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