What a smelly disgrace to the fine city of York

Does City of York Council not agree with the old saying "you only get one chance to make a first impression"? Don't spoil Hob Moor

I agree entirely with Anna Semlyen (Letters, March 22) regarding the beauty of our strays, and yes, I too enjoy daily use of one of them. I also enjoy the fresh air, chatting with friends and the views. Brady must not die

David Quarrie, who thinks Ian Brady should be allowed to die (March 22), has missed the reason why he must be kept alive. Modern life is better

I read Mr Horne's letter (March 13) with a feeling of total disbelief. These days most people are healthier, live longer and have a much more satisfying and enjoyable life. Such mean homes

I haven't seen the cruel attacks on affordable new homes that Neville Bann complains of in his weekly letters. Perhaps he could be given space in the paper to put his case properly. Raise the token grant

So the chairman of the Selby District Labour Group, Councillor John Duggan, would prefer that the York Minster Appeal bells be dedicated to 'those who served on the home front during the Second World War' rather than to the Queen Mother (March 23).

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.