Independent schools in York are rapidly climbing the league tables, according to recent results.

A review of A-level results published by the Daily Telegraph showed pupils at Bootham and St Peter's schools achieving around 70 per cent A and B grades. This puts them in the league's First Division, alongside institutions such as Eton and Radley. The Mount School also did well, taking its place at the top of the Second Division with 56 percent.

St Peter's, which scored the highest of the York schools, is proving to be one the best schools in the country as far as the league tables are concerned - and its status is growing every year. Exam results for A-levels have improved since last year, and GCSE passes remain at a solid 95 percent.

Three years of A* for all pupils taking art GCSE has earned the school a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Andrew Trottman, headmaster of St Peter's, said: "We don't believe that mutually exclusive success should be encouraged in either art, sport or academic subjects.

"The school tries to provide opportunities for everyone to be good at something. When the child is good at something, and is encouraged, it impacts on every aspect."

Mr Trottman attributes the pupils' success to what he calls a culture of praise. "We encourage a pattern of improvement, not negativity or dissatisfaction,"he said.

Although proud of the academic result, Mr Trottman said: "Parents tend to pay too much attention to league tables, and they don't tell the whole story. League tables don't include drama, music, sport and, importantly, the work the school does in the community."

More than 70 per cent of the school's pupils come from the York area.

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