Reader's letter

Does City of York Council not agree with the old saying "you only get one chance to make a first impression"?

On two recent visits to York, I have had the misfortune to need to use the public lavatories on St George's Field car park. I have been appalled at the disgraceful conditions in the 'Ladies' (my husband said the 'Gents' was not too bad). The smell met me as I entered - presumably as other people could not get the flush to work, as I couldn't.

On my first visit someone had thrown a batch of what looked like bread dough (but probably wasn't) up at the ceiling, where it clung artistically to the roof lights. On my second visit a partial attempt had been made to remove this, but without total success. The smell was even worse.

I was so ashamed that I apologised to two American ladies who were in the toilets. What is this saying to tourists as they arrive in one of the main car parks in the city? Or what is their last memory of our beautiful city going to be... a horrible, smelly lavatory?

Whatever the cost pressures on the council, if public lavatories are provided at all, they must be maintained in a way that reflects well on our city. In the case of St George's Field, this requires a permanent attendant during reasonable opening hours, plus overnight closure and stout steel shutters. The alternative is demolition. If we have any pride at all, it cannot be allowed to stay in this state.

Kay Lund,

Main Street,



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