Reader's letter

I agree entirely with Anna Semlyen (Letters, March 22) regarding the beauty of our strays, and yes, I too enjoy daily use of one of them. I also enjoy the fresh air, chatting with friends and the views.

However, the stray I am referring to has one great advantage over Low Moor. There are no cyclists whizzing by one's elbow. We have a time-worn set of criss-cross paths already, well used the year round and don't require lorry loads of stones or whatever to improve them.

We are indeed fortunate to have inherited this acreage of countryside in the heart of a built up area and generations will one day thank us for protecting it.

Building cycle paths would totally destroy this particular oasis of peace and I say, for God's sake leave it alone. Hob Moor is precious indeed!

Robert W Carr,

North Lane,



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