Women's Minister Baroness Margaret Jay has shared tea with Heworth residents - and praised York's pioneering transport plans.

The baroness, who is also leader of the House of Lords, was in the city to view its transport policy.

And she said York's example was one that should be followed across the country.

"I think York is a fine example of what to do with public transport. I have been impressed by the numbers of people who use their bikes," she said.

"What the council have done very well is consult local people who live here. York is a very good place for other authorities to visit and to see how public transport can be changed."

She was welcomed into the home of Heworth resident Fionnuala Bartley, who was eager to tell her of the latest measures to control traffic.

A home zone, which would work to control traffic flow and give priority to pedestrians, is to be introduced to Harcourt Street in the next few weeks as a pilot scheme which could be extended.

Mrs Bartley said: "I have been a very strong advocate of this scheme, and it seemed that the baroness was thoroughly interested.

"It is much better for the environment, it would open up the street, give the community more space and, I think, would be absolutely wonderful."

Baroness Jay said: "This scheme will make the area safer and it will make people more neighbourly.

"These are things that we would certainly like to see more of in the country."

Baroness Jay also met the chairman of City of York Council's planning and transport committee, Coun Dave Merrett, and rode on a park-and-ride bus during her visit.

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