Children preparing for their Year Six exams are being offered the chance to join one of ten new BBC revision clubs set up across the country.

A new revision club is being set up in York, aimed at children who do not have access to the Internet at home.

The club will be run from the Internet Exchange caf in Stonegate, York.

Parents will be able to book places to take their children in on Saturday and Sunday mornings where they will be able to look at the BBC's ReviseWise site free of charge.

The site is aimed at pupils preparing for their Key Stage 2 SATS tests.

Selected schools in York have also been contacted to invite teachers and pupils along to weekday morning revision clubs.

Caf manager Mark Carlo said: "Although the club is designed for Saturday and Sunday mornings, if we have room to accommodate them, children can stay on into the afternoons.

"The sessions need to be booked in advance and I am waiting for calls."

Ten cafs were chosen across the country for the new clubs in a partnership between the BBC and Internet Exchange.

For more information contact Mark on 01904 638808.

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