Rebel flag causes a flap

Pensioner Herbie Stratton has been asked to stop flying the Confederate flag at night - because neighbours claim it's too noisy! Danger school buses spark police warning

Schoolchildren across North Yorkshire are being put in "unacceptable" danger because of sub-standard school buses, police warned today. Computer police get tracking

A unique and revolutionary tracking device which will help tackle the ever-growing problem of computer theft has been put through its paces by North Yorkshire police. Mouse chews through cable and starts fire

A mouse is thought to have started a fire in a house near Selby after chewing through an electric cable. Going for glory

The folks back home will be rooting for York's latest Oscar hopeful, Janet McTeer, on Hollywood's biggest night. Dale channels energies into 22-mile marathon

An army medic from York is attempting to swim the English Channel to raise money for heart disease research. Church hall's future heads for showdown

Church leaders and a group of York residents look to be heading for a showdown over the future of a local church hall. Baroness sees how city fights car crisis

Women's Minister Baroness Margaret Jay has shared tea with Heworth residents - and praised York's pioneering transport plans. Chance to use Internet for exam revision

Children preparing for their Year Six exams are being offered the chance to join one of ten new BBC revision clubs set up across the country.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.