Evening Press Reader's Letter

Dear youthful southerner Dan Beergutstein made a very good job of his solo Bar Talk (March 18). He commented (as many outsiders often do) on the number of public houses we have in Tadcaster at present.

But of course, Dan was not aware that public houses in this town had already been culled, even in my lifetime - long before he was born. It is now felt that the balance is right and proper for a brewery town the size of Tadcaster.

He commented favourably on the price and quality of Sam Smith's beers on sale in the town.

Recently, a beer drinker I know told me he had popped into a pub in London's Trafalgar Square area. He was impressed by the price of Sam Smith's beer on sale in that pub. But what also impressed him were the prints in the pub, some of which he had never seen before, even though he was born and brought up in this town.

A little bit of sleepy Old Tadcaster in the capital's Trafalgar Square, whatever next?

Mrs Ida Mary Goodrick,

Woodlands Avenue, Tadcaster.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.